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CEO of MoonPay and Other Executives cashed in before the cryptocurrency business collapsed

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    Photo: Art by Clark Miller.

    In November 2021, just as crypto prices were hitting all-time highs, MoonPay—a crypto payments startup that celebrities including Jimmy Fallon and Paris Hilton had praised for its non-fungible token “concierge” service—announced it had completed its first ever outside fundraising: an eye-popping $555 million round at a $3.4 billion valuation from investors including Tiger Global Management and Coatue Management. There was more to the deal than met the eye.

    MoonPay raised $405 million by selling shares to investors, and the remaining $150 million represented shares cashed out by insiders in a secondary transaction, meaning that money didn’t flow into the company’s coffers, according to a person familiar with the matter. The shareholders who sold included co-founder and CEO Ivan Soto-Wright, the person said.


    Article information

    Author: Eric Webb

    Last Updated: 1704267362

    Views: 1080

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    Author information

    Name: Eric Webb

    Birthday: 1987-12-03

    Address: 9317 Smith Lakes Apt. 705, Carlosshire, MA 68379

    Phone: +3658004938226372

    Job: Bank Teller

    Hobby: Astronomy, Drone Flying, Pottery, Wine Tasting, Graphic Design, Playing Chess, Photography

    Introduction: My name is Eric Webb, I am a accomplished, frank, venturesome, intrepid, daring, rare, strong-willed person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.