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Nigerians express dissatisfaction over the Arabic characters included in the new Naira

Naira Redesign: “Why Arabic Language?” Nigerians Question Ajami Sign in the New Currency
  • The Arabic sign on the newly redesigned naira notes has become another source of controversy among Nigerians
  • Some are saying there is no need for the Arabic sign when the country is a secular one which as such
  • A Nigerian on Twitter who urged others to join in his agitation specifically called for the removal of the sign

Following the unveiling of the new naira notes by President Muhammadu Buhari, Nigerians on social media have once again questioned the retention of the Arabic symbol on the new naira notes.

The Arabic inscription on the naira notes is called Ajami, an Arabic-derived African writing system.

Nigerians unhappy over Ajami sign on new naira
Nigerians question Ajami sign in the new currency. Photo credit: Bashir Ahmad
Source: Twitter

Nigerians condemn Arabic inscription on naira notes

VIDEO: Naira Redesign: Nigerians Lament impact of CBN Policy
Channels Television


"New Naira will be unveiled today. We don’t speak Arabic language here but have it inscribed in all our currency. Forcing Islamic nation on us all."


"This Arabic language in new naira notes is useless Nigeria is not an Arab country and it will never be."


"Is Arabic another official language in Nigeria? Why do we have the Arabic inscription retained on the new Naira notes?"


"Why does a currency have an Arabic inscription on it? If a tribe speaks Arabic and it's on the Naira note, then every tribe in Nigeria should have their language inscribed on the Naira note."

Your Brother’s Bestie:

"Why does the new Naira note have an Arabic inscription? Do Nigerians speak Arabic? What religious nonsense is going on in Nigeria?"


"Why Arabic language in Nigeria naira notes? So Nigeria has finally become Islamic nation? If CAN association keep quiet over this, then Christian is finished."

Nweke Akachukwu Raphael:

"The Arabic inscription in the naira note should be removed, please make this trend. Nigeria is not an Islamic state."


"So this regime failed to remove the Arabic inscription in our Naira notes. APC days are numbered, if APC rig 2023 election it will be disastrous."


"We have an entire Arabic phrase on our naira notes with no explanation. There ain’t no Islamophobia in Nigeria."

Audu Peter:

"Why will Nigeria redesign Naira and use Arabic write the names in Hausa are you people now trying to convert Nigeria as a whole to Hausa or calling Nigeria Hausa?"

"It's only colour change": Nigerians react as photos of the new naira notes trends

VIDEO: Nigeria economy: Currency redesign leads to cash shortages
Al Jazeera English

Meanwhile, some Nigerians on social media have reacted to the unveiling of the new currency by the federal government.

Recall that President Muhammadu Buhari on Wednesday, November 23, unveiled the new naira notes before the federal executive council (FEC) meeting at the state house, Abuja.

The new notes presented to the public are 1000, 500 and 200 naira notes.

Source: Legit.ng


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Name: Taylor Long

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Introduction: My name is Taylor Long, I am a audacious, important, apt, irreplaceable, fearless, clever, variegated person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.