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The comics legend of Lady Loki is rife with loops

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Loki kicked off on Disney Plus with a question — who was this dangerous variant attacking the Time Variance Authority? — and a surprise. Turned out, it was none other than an alternate timeline version of Loki himself.

Here’s everything we know about Loki’s other Loki.

[Ed. note: This post contains spoilers for Loki through episode 3.]

The hooded figure of Loki’s mysterious villain variant in Loki. Image: Marvel Studios

Loki has revealed a brand-new character for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, one that may have come as a surprise to movie fans but was a very familiar twist for comic readers. The tricky Loki variant who’s been mucking up the timeline to spite the Time Variance Authority is a female version of Loki, played by English actress Sophia Di Martino (Yesterday).

In other words, she’s Lady Loki — though we found out in episode 3 that she goes by Sylvie.

Who is Lady Loki?

Lady Loki reveals herself to Thor for the first time. Image: Marvel Comics

The Loki of Norse mythology is notorious for changing shape and reinventing himself at will, but the Marvel Comics version of Loki had been surprisingly stagnant since his early appearances. Even across the multiverse, Loki was almost always just another mustache-twirling villain prone to elaborate nonsensical schemes born of nothing but bitter jealousy for his brother. But by the early 2000s, the whole gimmick was a little stale.

The increasingly tedious villainy of Marvel Comics’ Loki led to editorial and creative choices that developed him into more of an antihero than an outright villain, bringing about renewed interest in the character. And a big part of that transformation was Lady Loki, who started her history in comics by just straight up stealing Sif’s body. Altruistic as Loki can be when the mood strikes, Lady Loki was often just as villainous as the bitter, spiteful Loki of the early days.

A brief history of when Loki was a woman

Sophia Di Martino as Lady Loki in Loki. Image: Marvel Studios

After the comics’ earth-shattering Ragnarok event, Marvel’s 2007 Thor ongoing book focused on the Odinson’s search for any remaining Asgardians who had survived their fall — or been reborn in new forms. Meanwhile, Loki had been reborn into a body intended for Lady Sif, and, desiring to use the body as his own, Loki trapped Sif in the form of an elderly woman in hospice care, rendering her powerless to stop him. By the fifth issue of the series, Lady Loki had made her presence known to Thor, which confused and upset him — not due to Loki’s new form necessarily, but because of their complicated history. And the whole fact that Loki had helped bring about Ragnarok in the first place.

Lady Loki quickly swore that she would never again tell a lie, but instead she leaned into using her new penchant for truth-telling in equally manipulative ways. Winning Balder’s trust by telling him that he was the son of Odin, just like Thor, the two gods created a shaky and temporary alliance, but one that gained Loki a lot of trust by association.

But Loki was still Loki, and she made no bones about her ultimate goal, which was always to destroy Thor and take his place as the eventual ruler of Asgard. And she still possessed many of Loki’s qualities, be they admirable or terrible.

Lady Loki catches snowflakes and muses evil-y about her victory, wearing a horned circlet and a giant white fur coat. Image: J. Michael Straczynski, Oliver Coipel, Marko Djurdjevic/Marvel Comics

During the 2008 Secret Invasion event, Lady Loki nearly caused the death of fan-favorite-alien-buddy-of-Thor Beta Ray Bill simply by insisting that he was a Skrull in disguise. Meanwhile, as a member of Norman Osborne’s secret supervillain society, the Cabal, she proved her identity to Doctor Doom by happily frying many of his servants to death during a dinner, then strolling into his headquarters and opening up negotiations with him. Her schemes also included tricking Odin’s father Bor into combat in which Thor was forced to kill his own grandfather to save the world, after which Loki encouraged Balder to banish Thor from Asgard.

Loki returned to a male form eventually, but even then, Lady Loki has made numerous appearances in later Thor comics — though more as cameos than as the lead of a Loki story. In Loki: Agent of Asgard, she shows up only very briefly as the troubled, younger Loki looking for redemption faces down his older, more evil incarnation. Agent of Asgard was all about our beloved antihero’s first attempts to erase the sins of his past, only to finally accept them as part of his learning curve, reimagining himself as the God of Stories rather than the God of Lies. Confronting Lady Loki was key to unlocking some of Loki’s greatest strengths, enabling him to become more heroic than ever — by finally truly accepting himself as a changeable, even mercurial, figure.

Who is Sylvie?

Sylvie and Loki waiting outside a sci-fi train Image: Marvel Studios

In episode 3 of Loki, the variant Loki tells her counterpart that “[Loki] is not who I am anymore.” She prefers to be called Sylvie, which she says is something like an alias. But it’s a name with a bit more complicated history in Marvel Comics.

In the comics, Sylvie Lushton thought she was a mortal girl living in Broxton, Oklahoma, during the period of Thor comics continuity when Asgard — castles and all — hovered in the skies above the small U.S. town. Then, one day, she woke up with magical powers and attempted to become a superhero, taking on the name and style of one of Thor’s old foes, the Enchantress.

Eventually, Sylvie discovered that she wasn’t really human at all: Loki had magically called her into existence with memories of being human, motivated by amusement at the idea of a human who suspected she was a secret Asgardian. From there, Sylvie had a lot of trouble fitting in with the superhero community, bouncing around from team to team on the good guy and bad guy sides of Marvel Comics. Eventually she ran afoul of the original Enchantress, who banished her to a fate unknown for usurping her name.

It remains to be seen what, if any, connection Sylvie Lushton has to the Sylvie of Loki. Perhaps she’s secretly the Enchantress? Perhaps she was created by Loki as well? Perhaps the show’s creators just picked “Sylvie” as a female name that has been associated with Loki in the comics? As the Time Variance Authority might say, only time will tell.

| Image: Marvel Studios

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Introduction: My name is Leslie Marshall, I am a ingenious, priceless, proficient, persistent, sincere, vibrant, honest person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.